IN-CISTERN DISPENSER is an innovative solution in the market. The dispenser may be installed both in plastic and ceramic close-coupled flushing cisterns. It helps to keep the toilet bowl clean by dispensing a specially formulated liquid. The liquid is dispensed in a controlled amount to regularly clean the entire internal surface of your toilet bowl, colour the water and fragrance the air in your toilet. The liquid constains cleaning agents which create foam and prevent limescaling. The dispenser is supplied with 210 ml liquid container for ca. 500 flushes. The unit is installed in the spare (unused) inlet hole on the other side of the plastic or ceramic close-coupled cistern. The unit operates automatically with each operation of the flushing system. The discharge of water from the cistern activates the dispenser, and the liquid is added to and mixed with inflowing water. This product features simple design, easy adjustment of the amount of added liquid (including fragrance and colour intensity), leakage protection (particularly important when water has been cut-off upstream of the cistern) and easy refilling, without the need to remove the top lid of the separate or close-coupled flushing cistern.