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Polypipe S416W white 40mm solvent waste to 21.5mm solvent weld overflow reducer. To be used with solvent weld waste and solvent weld overflow pipe. Connect fittings to pipe using solvent cement such as SC125 or SC250. The Polypipe solvent weld waste ABS 40mm system performs at higher operating temperatures than many other waste systems and is strong enough to withstand high impacts. This is a tough, robust water pipe system for a variety of applications.
Specification: - Polypipe 40mm solvent weld waste fittings will fit solvent weld waste pipe with an actual external diameter of 43mm; - Solvent weld waste fittings can be used with solvent weld pipe only and cannot be used with push fit waste pipe; - Use to connect 40mm solvent weld waste to 21.5mm solvent weld overflow system.